Starward themed online casino

By Mark Zuckerberg

[H]ardOCP: This Game is a Star Wars Themed Online Casino

Hawaiian state representatives Chris Lee and Sean Quinlan vowed to take action to protect underage kids from the game's monetization practices."This game is basically a Star Wars-themed online ... US politician says EA created a "Star Wars-themed online ... Hell you can go down and buy casino simulator games that are nothing but spinning the slot machine and whatnot. The key difference is, you're only gambling with fake money, not real money. You paid $30 or whatever for the game, and now you can gamble with its in-game currency to your heart's content, it's not costing you anything other than time. Battlefront 2 is a "Star Wars Themed Online Casino," Says ... “This game is a Star Wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money. It’s a trap,” he continued.. “This is something we need to address to ensure that particularly ... [H]ardOCP: This Game is a Star Wars Themed Online Casino

Hawaiian politician calls Battlefront 2 ‘a Star Wars-themed online casino’ by benotaylor · November 22, 2017 Two Hawaii point out associates not long ago held a press conference where by they spoke of their intention to investigate EA’s techniques when it comes to loot boxes in Star Wars Battlefront two.

If you are not interested in sitting through the 15 Hour movie marathon yes, it would take 15 hours to watch all the Star Wars movies in the franchise then sit back and impress your friends with some interesting “unknown” facts about this … Star Wars Battlefront II: Video Game? Gambling? Both? The release of the new Star Wars Battlefront video game has both Belgium and Hawaii questioning if the game is too close to gambling with its loot boxes. Cruise ships That Have Sadly Left Us In 2018 | AA Casino

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Is ‘A Star Wars Themed Online Star Wars Battlefront 2 Is ‘A Star Wars Themed Online Casino’, Says Hawaiian Politician. Hawaii is calling for regulation on loot boxes. US politician says EA created a "Star Wars-themed online Nov 22, 2017 · US politician says EA created a "Star Wars-themed online casino" There may have been 'loot boxes' in gaming before Star Wars Battlefront …

State legislators call EAs game a Star Wars-themed online ...

Hell you can go down and buy casino simulator games that are nothing but spinning the slot machine and whatnot. The key difference is, you're only gambling with fake money, not real money. You paid $30 or whatever for the game, and now you can gamble with its in-game currency to your heart's content, it's not costing you anything other than time. US politician says EA created a "Star Wars-themed online ... US politician says EA created a "Star Wars-themed online casino" ... There may have been 'loot boxes' in gaming before Star Wars Battlefront II but EA's game helped push the issues of gambling in ... US State Rep: "This game is a Star Wars themed online ... There's already some discussion about this topic on the forum, but this is a pretty big development that I felt deserves its own thread. A US State Representative has denounced what he referred to as "predatory behavior" by Electronic Arts in regard to the loot boxes found in Battlefront II. [H]ardOCP: This Game is a Star Wars Themed Online Casino